Thank You For Purchasing The Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Series
Very shortly, you’ll receive an email confirming your purchase of Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Series. Please note that you will see a charge from Health Secret LLC.
IMPORTANT: Your complete package will be mailed to you within one week. For International orders, shipping may take an additional 5-7 days.
You will get printed copies of the Transcripts and the Guide Book with your DVDs.
You will have instant access to the complete digital version of the entire series, including the transcripts, for you and for your loved one.
Please note: You will receive a separate email with your login instructions to access the digital files. Due to the high volume of emails, it might take a few hours to receive the logins. Please be patient with us.
In the member’s area, you’ll find instructions on how to send the digital version to a person of your choice..
The digital version will be accessible at this link: https://hub.healthsecret.com
Remember, your purchase today helps us to::
- Supports research for a future informational docuseries, which will ultimately help us reach our goal to end suffering in the world.
- Provides financial support to charities who are helping people in need. In many cases, this will save their lives.
- Allows you to help any one person of your choice by making Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Series accessible to them.
In other words, your decision to own Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Series will have a positive ripple effect, as the benefits will extend to countless other people.
Again, thank you for your support. You’re doing a good thing, and we value your relationship!
With love,
Jonathan Otto
Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Series
P.S. If you have a question not answered on this page, please contact our support team at [email protected]